Tavaszi kifejezések
Végre itt a tavasz! Lássunk hát néhány izgalmas angol kifejezést az évszakkal kapcsolatban!
Olyan, a hétköznapi kommunikációban is jól használható kifejezéseket gyűjtöttem össze, amelyekben szerepelnek többek között a tavasz és a tavaszi hónapok nevei, a tavaszi zsongás, a fészekrakás, a fecskék megérkezése, a rügyfakadás és a virágzás.
#1 Full of the joys of spring
sugárzik, ragyog
pl. You look full of the joys of spring this morning.
#2 to be no spring chicken
nem mai csirke
pl. That actress is no spring chicken, but she does a pretty good job of playing a twenty-year-old girl.
#3 Fresh as a daisy
üde, mint a harmat
pl. After getting some sleep, I was as fresh as a daisy.
#4 to nip something in the bud
csírájában elfojt valamit
pl. I've noticed that Tommy's getting in the bad habit of chewing with his mouth open. Let's nip that in the bud.
#5 to be mad as a March hare
megkergül, megbolondul
pl. I'll be mad as a March hare if I have to deal with these screaming toddlers for much longer.
#6 April showers bring May flowers
májusi eső aranyat ér; (átv.) borúra derű
pl. Although it was a dreary, rainy day, we felt cheerful, since April showers bring May flowers.
#7 Social butterfly
társasági ember
pl. Tom's always been something of a social butterfly, so we've never really worried about him making friends or finding his way in the world.
#8 to let grass grow under one's feet
megalszik a tej szájában
pl. I used to let the grass grow under my feet, and I missed out on a lot of opportunities.
#9 to feather one's nest
kicsinosítja az otthonát
pl. Now that the apartment is officially mine, I can't wait to start feathering my nest!
#10 Spring fever
tavaszi zsongás
pl. It's wonderful seeing the city touched by spring fever, coming alive again after the deadening winter.
#11 One swallow does not make a summer
egy fecske nem csinál nyarat
pl. A lot of things went right for us this year, but one swallow does not make a summer - we still have a long ways to go before our finances are back in order.
A példamondatok forrása: The Free Dictionary by Farlex
A diákhoz felhasznált képek forrásai: Unspalsh, Pexels, Pinterest, Pixabay